Feedback to the European Commission on the Proposed Revised Regulation on Shipments of Waste
Circular Economy Strategy for Ireland
Submission to the Dept. of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) in response to the public consultation on the proposed publication of the Circular Economy Strategy for Ireland.
Deposit Return Scheme
Submission to the Dept. of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) in response to the public consultation on the draft legislative framework for a Deposit Return Scheme in Ireland.
National Waste Management Plan for a Circular Economy
Submission to mywaste in response to the pre-draft consultation on the National Waste Management Plan for a Circular Economy.
National Air Pollution Control Plan
Detailed submission made (22 Jan 2021) to the Dept. of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) in response to a public consultation on the draft National Air Pollution Control Plan.
Coffee Cup Consultation
ZWAI-Coffee Cup Consultation Dec2019- paper. Levies are just another tax that will not force the change we need. In our DCCAE Disposable Cup submission, we advocate for a BAN on single use cups.
New Waste Action Plan
Submission to the Dept. of Communication, Climate Action and Environment (DCCAE) on a Proposed New Waste Action Plan for a Circular EconomySubmission by ZWAI to DCCAE.
Code of Practice for Wastewater Treatment & Disposal Systems Serving Single Houses
Response to the EPA’s Public Consultation on the Draft Code of Practice for Wastewater Treatment & Disposal Systems Serving Single Houses.
Galway Sustainability & Food Festival: Our Plastic Problem
Observations on the draft water services
POLICY STATEMENT – 25 April 2018 Submission by Zero Waste Alliance Ireland to the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government in Response to the Public Consultation launched on 04 April 2018
National Sustainability Summit: The Importance of Phosphorus Recovery
National Sustainability Summit: Climate Change & Waste Management