Public Consultation on a Review of the Security of Energy Supply of Ireland’s Electricity and Natural Gas Systems
Response to the European Commission’s Public Consultation on an Integrated Action Plan for the Management of Nutrients
Feedback to the European Commission on Food Waste Reduction Targets
Feedback to the European Commission on the Revision of the Waste Framework Directive
Feedback to the European Commission on the Waste-related Environmental Performance of Ireland and the Probability of Achieving the 2025 Targets
Futureproof Ireland: Bauxite, Alumina, Energy & Waste
SOLAS Learning Works: The Zero Waste Approach
Feedback to the European Commission on the Revision of the Plant and Forest Reproductive Material Legislation
Protecting, Sustainably Managing and Restoring EU Soils
Feedback to the European Commission on a Proposed Directive on Soil Health
National Construction Summit: Circular Economy and Climate Change
Feedback to the European Commission on a Proposed Directive on Soil Health –Protecting, Sustainably Managing and Restoring EU Soils
On 16 February 2022, the European Commission issued a call for evidence on which to base the proposed updating of the 2006 EU Soil Thematic Strategy1 to address soil and land degradation in a comprehensive way and to fulfil EU and international commitments on land degradation, in accordance with the UN Sustainable Development Goal 15.3. See…