Category: Uncategorized
Earth Month 2023: A Word From one of our Founding Directors
April 2023 marks Earth Month which is important to us here in Zero Waste Alliance Ireland; our work for the last 24 years advocating zero waste and the Circular Economy has shown us that in spite of the many well-meaning policies, programmes, European Union Directives and International Conventions, the amount of waste produced by societies…
Cycling Through Europe’s Waste
Article by ZWAI member Georgios Vrampas. Making the decision to cycle back home to Greece wasn’t that spontaneous. Choosing to travel Europe by bike came as a sudden thought one day and gradually grew. I guess that different people have different reasons why they choose to travel by bike. From a simple thought, it becomes…
2025 EU Waste Targets : Is Ireland on a Path to Failure?
Yesterday, on the 8th of December 2022, the European Commission published an important report outlining the various pathways towards cleaner air, water and soil for Europe. The report is described as the first “zero pollution” monitoring and outlook, taking into account that clean air, clean water and clean soil in a resilient and thriving natural…
Cycling for Zero Waste: Observations by Niall After his Adventure
Niall has now completed his journey on wheels and what an adventure it was! We have been fascinated by his stories and observations and it is our absolute pleasure to be able to share with you all an article he wrote for our blog. We are even discussing the possibility of a “part 2 adventure”…
This Stuff may Look Like S#!t, but it is Incredibly Important!
Our indefatigable researcher and fellow director of ZWAI, Ollan Herr, has been busy producing a strange grey plasticine-like material which looks like bread dough or the type of marl you find underneath a bog. But there is a big difference between marl and this stuff – marl is a type of clay from which the…
End-of-life Tyres: Should They be Recycled or Dumped? See What Europe has to Say
Some eight years ago Zero Waste Alliance Ireland researched what should be done with end-of-life tyres, and we provided to the Irish government a detailed argument for adding the rubber to the asphalt coating used in road surfacing throughout the country. Research undertaken in other countries has shown that a small amount of rubber improves…
For TV Watchers: A Documentary Series on Environmental Damage and Waste of Resources
On Tuesday evening (01 November), I watched on RTÉ 1 TV a remarkable and challenging documentary on the environmental problems which Europe is currently facing, and which will become more serious in future years. This documentary is the first of a series entitled “Europe Revealed”, which will examine in depth some six key issues which…
Cycling for Zero Waste: Meet our Newest Climate Ambassador
Our newest climate ambassador, Niall Quinn, has decided to take the matter of zero waste into his own hands, or rather, pedals. Having began his journey in his hometown of Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, he has given himself the challenge of spreading the zero waste message while travelling through 5 counties in Ireland on a bike.…
Zero Waste Alliance Ireland do Body & Soul 2022
With the colder winds and the shorter days creeping in, it’s really starting to feel like Autumn. We’re already feeling nostalgic for the summer and reflecting on those blissful few months is all too easy. One of the highlights that stand out has to be our attendance at Body & Soul music, arts and culture…
On Climate, Deep Ecology, and Art.
Post by ZWAI member Kezia Wright. The gravity of the climate crisis is so terrifying that we turn our faces away. We cannot possibly contemplate the collapse of our civilization every single day. We have jobs to worry about, people to love, food to put on the table. I go about my day-to-day and every…
Patagonia Dives into Hemp
The Switch to Organic Cotton In 1991, Patagonia commissioned an environmental assessment of its production. It found that the supply chains had a significant negative environmental impact. Cotton production in particular was causing environmental damage through the use of insecticides, herbicides and defoliators. In response, founder Yvon Chouinard decided to switch to organic cotton, even…
The Implications of the Fast Fashion Industry on our Planet and Health
Article written by ZWAI member Loanna Votskou. The Fast Fashion Industry and its Serious Effects on our Health “Beautiful fashion shouldn’t cost the earth” has been one of the most outstanding rallying cry lines of Greenpeace International, which has repeatedly urged global clothing brands to stop the use of harmful chemicals in textiles and apply…