
  • Dirty Water : Wastewater treatment opportunity.

    Dirty Water : Wastewater treatment opportunity.

    The recent EPA report on the Quality of our Wastewater treatment in 2016  highlights that there’s  a lot to be done.  The EPA 2016 Wastewater Report’s Summary findings are stark. It’s embarrassing to contemplate!  But challenges need to be faced and very soon. Here’s a very brief summary of the top 5 urgent issues. It is…

  • Tyre kickers needed?

    Tyre kickers needed?

    We’re tired of the slow progress towards real, verifiable Tyre recycling and re-manufacturing. But your help will speed up progress with our lawmakers. We need you to ‘kick some tyres’. Here’s how to make a difference. The Background Remember the Minister for the Environment (and other things, such as Communications, & Climate Action ) Mr…

  • Farmers, it’s ‘Bring out your Haz Waste’ time of year again.

    Farmers, it’s ‘Bring out your Haz Waste’ time of year again.

    Farmer’s can move a little closer to Zero Waste in November thanks to the EPA’s efforts. Farms will be safer places afterwards. During October and November, farmers across Ireland will have an opportunity to safely dispose of hazardous wastes from their farms at ten collection events organized nationally by the EPA and local authorities. What…

  • Climate Change & the Citizens assembly. Make your Submission now

    Climate Change & the Citizens assembly. Make your Submission now

    Time to vent your thoughts on Climate Change? No one hears your thoughts on the environment unless you make them known. So now you have a chance to let the Government know, through the Citizens assembly. We’ve had too much green washing and too little action by Governments in Ireland over the past decade to…

  • Zero Waste Festival, watch and learn some tips.

    Zero Waste Festival, watch and learn some tips.

    Zero Waste Festival Ireland, 25 June 2017 This video was made in collaboration with The Green Diary. The first-ever Zero Waste Festival in Ireland was held this past Sunday, 25 June 2017. The event was a roaring success with festival-goers treated to a range of talks, screenings, workshops, meet-ups, info stands, as well as a…

  • Is Waste Metering coming soon?

    Is Waste Metering coming soon?

    HAS WATER WASTE METERING ARRIVED? We give a very qualified welcome to yesterday’s WASTE CHARGES announcement by Minister Naughton of the  Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment (see text in the annex below). It starts the ball rolling on waste reduction initiatives but does not go far enough to ensure recycling, waste avoidance and consumer…

  • Waste Reduction Bill 2017 – needs all our support

    Waste Reduction Bill 2017 – needs all our support

    We are aware more than most in Zero Waste Ireland that the issue of plastic pollution is a massive global challenge and a blight on our own country.  According to the Green Party, every year, over 110 million tonnes of plastic is produced. Of this, up to 43% ends up in landfill. The amount of…

  • Illegal dumping – Would you tolerate?

    Illegal dumping – Would you tolerate?

    Illegal dumping &  Fly tipping – Had enough? It’s going on all around you on a small scale. Bundles of cans piled around overflowing bottle banks and litter bins. You will also notice the recent proliferation of full black plastic bags being discarded on remote rural roads and left to the mercy of the wildlife…

  • Green Alley Award 2017

    Green Alley Award 2017

    Green Alley Award 2017, is it for you? Want to make a difference in the world of the Circular Economy? Well maybe this competition is right up your alley! Are you a green start-up or eco-entrepreneur with a brilliant idea in the green and circular economy sector? Then apply now for the Green Alley Award…

  • Ireland’s Greenhouse Gas emissions projected to increase strongly

    Ireland’s Greenhouse Gas emissions projected to increase strongly

    Blow to our Climate change fight as Greenhouse gas emissions projected to increase strongly. According to the EPA, Ireland is unlikely to meet our 2020 EU greenhouse gas emissions targets. They identify sectors under pressure such as agriculture, transport, residential, commercial, non-energy intensive industry and waste sectors. What’s our target? Ireland’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction…

  • Environ Conference Token reference to Circular Economy

    Environ Conference Token reference to Circular Economy

    Minister Denis Naughten TD,  addressed the attendees at Environ 2017, AIT Athlone, today April 10th 2017. The Circular Economy was not high on his list of priorities. In his rambling speech he offered just a single reference to the Circular Economy.  We re-publish his words below …. Circular economy section of his speech. ”Responding to Climate Change…

  • Taking Food Waste Off the Menu

    Taking Food Waste Off the Menu

    We, as consumers,  in the Industrialised world have a big problem. We’re Wasters, big food wasters ! Food Waste comparison across the world We waste much more food than our less industrialised cousins in Africa, Asia and Latin America.  We are suffering obesity growth while one in nine people are chronically undernourished in poor, less developed countries. In Europe…