
  • Return to Vendor

    Return to Vendor

    Deposit Return Scheme for Scotland. We love GOOD NEWS. And that’s what the Scottish Government has delivered today. They’ve announced a Deposit Return Scheme(DRS) for Scotland. Why not a DRS here? Why not now? The news may get better as we expect it to happen in Ireland in 6 months time (optimistically). Find out why…

  • Posters Posing Problems

    Posters Posing Problems

    We want posing to stop at election time, posing on plastic posters that is. Who needs that mass of plastic waste and cable ties, that nobody wants, from the day the election is over? Re-cycling doesn’t cut it anymore as an excuse. Nowadays all posters can be put online. Check out and all those…

  • Greener Guinness

    Greener Guinness

    We thought that Green Guinness was only a St Patrick’s day stunt, but now a greener Guinness seems to be popping up. That’s what the recent Diageo announcement indicates. The Guinness brewer announced yesterday it is removing plastic rings from its beer packaging in the coming months. What is being replaced exactly? While the announcement…

  • How to Cut Your Plastic Packaging Intake

    How to Cut Your Plastic Packaging Intake

    ZWAI support the #SickOfPlastic national days of action and encourages all Zero Wasters to participate locally. As well as encouraging Shops to offer less plastic to us we need to take positive action on a personal level to avoid unnecessary plastic in our daily lives. Here’s a few tips on how to reduce your own…

  • Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems Serving Single Houses – Novel ideas

    Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems Serving Single Houses – Novel ideas

    Recovery of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus from our wastewater will become necessary in the near future with global shortages of these raw material supplies looming. Now is the time to act. We explain why and how in our submission. Recently ZWAI made a submission to the Environmental Protection Agencyin Response to the Agency’s Public Consultation…

  • 2019 Initiative to Tackle Illegal Dumping

    2019 Initiative to Tackle Illegal Dumping

    Flytipping : Gov. promises €3m to prevent illegal dumping. Applications now open to €3m Fund  (1 – 30th April) The Government today announced funding of €3million to the Anti-Dumping Initiative. This will support communities around the country to tackle illegal dumping, the so-called ‘flytipping’. This money will step up the chances of catching the flytipping offenders and…

  • Zero Wasters: Prepare For House Calls

    Zero Wasters: Prepare For House Calls

    Will Households who are not signed up for bin collection be inspected? The Government’s announcement last week (4/2/19) about a nationwide offensive to be launched against tens of thousands of homes who are not using authorised bin-collection companies raises serious issues of privacy as well as questions about competition and householder incentives. They plan to…

  • Sick of Plastic Progress

    Sick of Plastic Progress

    We’re fully behind the #SickOfPlastic campaign and today we offer our platform to Claudia Tormey, from the Sick of Plastic Campaign to tell you about the progress to date. There’s a lot achieved , a way to go, but we’re motoring ahead. Well done to all ! Claudia reports that…….. The campaign has delivered 21,235…

  • Spot a pollution issue? Here’s how to complain.

    Spot a pollution issue? Here’s how to complain.

    Very often we see environmental problems, breaches of the law and assume someone else has reported it. That may be a mistake. Never assume that someone else will do it. You are that someone! You have a powerful tool at your disposal to help enforcement – it’s your mobile phone, contact list and camera. That’s…

  • Christmas & Your Food Waste

    Christmas & Your Food Waste

    We encourage homes and businesses to do what they can to avoid wasting food this Christmas. The Foodwaste reduction effort begins long before the time you purchase. How big an issue is Foodwaste? Recent research revealed that for the first time ever, we will spend more than €1billion on groceries during the month of December.…

  • Red Alert! We’re Europe’s leading…Climate Change Laggard

    Red Alert! We’re Europe’s leading…Climate Change Laggard

    Red alert on Climate change inactivity The good news first ….it’s official. We’ve moved up one position in the climate change action league table. That should be enough for our laggard government politicians to spin into a good news story. But the reality trumps rhetoric.  Our current reality is stark and it will hit us deep in…

  • EU Climate change Ambition Needs Your Support

    EU Climate change Ambition Needs Your Support

    We’ve disturbing news to relate on climate change progress. We’ve learned from a Guardian story of a Leaked memo showing business tactics to undermine the EU’s revised 2030 climate change targets. BusinessEurope, the Brussels based group of business interests in Europe – which includes Google and Facebook as well as IBEC– has advised its members to oppose…