
  • EU Ministers block plastic bag waste progress

    EU Ministers block plastic bag waste progress

    Shame of EU Ministers failure to cut plastic bag waste. This is not a good state of affairs to find at EU ministerial level. You see, a  group of European Union (EU) Member States – including the UK, Romania, Greece, Croatia and Poland – is blocking a European Parliament proposal to reduce EU plastic bag use…

  • Scotland carrier bag levy launched

    Scotland carrier bag levy launched

    For the first time, from today, a mandatory five-pence bag levy on carrier bags in Scotland is now in place. The new charge includes plastic, paper and biodegradable bags and applies to all retailers, from supermarkets to local stores and takeaways. Back in May, MSPs courageously voted to bring in the new regulations in a…

  • Scarcity of Resources highlighted in EEF report as a sustainability threat

    Scarcity of Resources highlighted in EEF report as a sustainability threat

    In this latest report from the UK’s manufacturers’ organisation, the EEF, it claims that the UK, and that implied Ireland and Europe by extension, is very exposed to critical disturbances in Resources and raw materials availability. This will have an adverse impact on manufacturing. Why has this happened ? Well, the global growth of middle-class consumers along with…

  • Information freedom – Zero Cost Freedom of Information requests

    Information freedom – Zero Cost Freedom of Information requests

    We’re great fans of the words ‘FREE’ and ‘ZERO’ here at the Zero Waste Alliance. We believe public information access should have ZERO cost where it relates to public interest items. So we are cautiously welcoming the Irish Government’s announcement that non-personal FOI (Freedom of Information) fees of €15 are to be scrapped. What price…

  • Circle of life and re-birth

    Circle of life and re-birth

    It’s not often we like to think of death, but it’s facing everyone of the 7+ Billion folks on this planet at some future time. And being Eco aware, Zero Wasters would like to find the best ecological manner to exit this state of being. Of all the options open to us, one environmentally friendly…

  • Ten steps to bring Europe towards a circular solution

    Ten steps to bring Europe towards a circular solution

    In the statement, we’re; We’re doing so in tandem with the ongoing revision of the Landfill, Packaging Waste and Waste Framework Directives. The timely review of waste policy now provides us with a great opportunity to set Europe on a clear path towards resource efficiency. It is simply no longer tenable to burn and bury…

  • Going on a Holiday to Majorca? Bring along your waste.

    Going on a Holiday to Majorca? Bring along your waste.

    From Bundoran to Bunyola, waste in haste. Nestled on the North west coast of  Majorca, in the spurs of the Serra de Tramuntana, just 9 miles from Majorca’s Capital, Palma , lies the picturesque town of Bunyola.  It’s just 2,572 km from Bundoran, but unlike Bundoran its 5,475 inhabitants (double that of Bundoran)  have a serious concern.  They…

  • The scandal of Food Waste in Ireland – Eco Eye view

    The scandal of Food Waste in Ireland – Eco Eye view

    There is no better way to understand just how much food is being wasted by today’s distribution systems than to watch this short Eco Eye video. With over 30% of food wasted and even more never reaching our shelves it is time to do something about it in our own lives . In this video,…

  • New EU EIA directive will bring mandatory assessment of alternatives

    New EU EIA directive will bring mandatory assessment of alternatives

    What is an EIA? The environmental impact assessment (EIA) entails the systematic collection and analysis of information about the environmental effects of a proposed project by the developer. It enables the competent authority to decide if and how the project should be carried out and, more importantly, gives the public a chance to evaluate and comment on…

  • Go Circular or get left behind

    Go Circular or get left behind

    She was addressing the attendees at Sustainability Live last week (1-3rd April). On that smog filled day in Bermingham, Goodwin predicted that UK companies who embrace the circular economy model will outperform their competitors and grab substantial economic gains in the process. Our current “throwaway linear economic model” will become a millstone around our necks…

  • Green Week 2014 to focus on Circular Economy.

    Green Week 2014 to focus on Circular Economy.

    Green Week 2014 The EU’s Green Week is the biggest annual conference on European environment policy. This year it will take place from 3rd to 5th June at The Egg Conference Centre, Rue Bara, in Brussels. We are particularly excited by this year’s theme – Circular Economy, Resource Efficiency & Waste. As you will know…

  • Serco Report reveals recycling incentives effectiveness

    Serco Report reveals recycling incentives effectiveness

    We welcome the recent Serco published new research investigating the impact of recycling incentives. Serco commissioned Eunomia Research & Consultancy to explore the effect of incentives and reward schemes on recycling rates in over 30 boroughs across the UK with encouraging results. The study shows that authorities with recycling incentives schemes recorded an average 8%…