
Waste Incineration and the Triple Planetary Crisis

The practice of waste incineration, often touted as an effective waste management solution, is contributing to what is now recognised as the triple planetary crisis: climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. By burning waste, incinerators release greenhouse gases and toxic pollutants, worsening air quality and driving global warming. This method also discourages sustainable practices like recycling and composting, diverting resources from circular economies. Beyond climate impacts, the harmful emissions disrupt ecosystems, further degrading biodiversity. Tackling this issue requires rethinking waste management, prioritising reduction, reuse, and environmentally-friendly disposal methods.

ZWAI has been opposing incineration as a means of waste “recovery” for a long time, as has the czechorganisation “Arnika”. They are also a “non-profit organisation that has been bringing together people striving for a better environment since 2001”. They recently hosted a very interesting webinar that goes into this subject in more detail, it’s well worth a watch.

Shifting toward sustainable practices can reduce the devastating impact on our planet’s health and future! Check out Arnika here.
